Archived Product
Main Features
- 8 track digital recorder with 24-bit 96kHz capability
- Recording to 'caddy' held hard drives
Virtual TC track
ADAT interface - Multiple UNDOs
D824 Mk2 8 TRack Digital Multitrack
The evolutionary D824 (8 track) builds on the success of its predecessors to set an even higher standard for affordable professional digital recording. These machines are simply the most capable, most flexible, best sounding and easy to use digital multitracks ever.
Mute-less Punch Out is now possible at 8 tracks (44.1/48kHz) or 2 tracks (88.2/96kHz) of simultaneous recording.
Increased additional tracks with track naming
Total number of track is increased from 8 physical+16 additional to 8 physical +48 additional with track naming available on each track. The file recorded on D824 MK2 is compatible to D2424 and vice versa.
Note: hard drive recorded on D824 MK2 cannot be read by D824 with software version V1.XX or earlier, D-160/D-160v2 and D-108.
Chain Play function to playback songs according to preset playlist.
Mark Stop function to stop a song at designated locate point.
Footswitch to Play/Stop, in addition to remote Punch In/Out.
Auto EE mode to automatically activate All Input Monitor at Stop.
88.2kHz sampling frequency is available; total 6 recording mode (16bit/44.1kHz, 16bit/48kHz, 24bit/44.1kHz, 24bit/48kHz, 24bit/88.2kHz, 24bit/96kHz).
Sampling frequency is selectable per program.
Track format can be converted from 24 track to 56 track and vice versa. With the conversion the hard drive formated on V1.XX become compatible with V2.00.
Note: when converted from 56 track format to 24 track format, the data on track 25-56 and multiple undo history will be lost.
First there is the supreme audio quality and superior sonic purity offered by the high-definition recording engine. Common to both units, and employing the latest 24bit A/D’s and D/As, this Fostex developed recorder offers no-compromise non-compressed multitrack recording in one of five audio formats including the new 24bit / 96kHz standard.
All controlled by the latest development of Fostex’s clever FDMS-3 software.
And all incredibly easy to use thanks to the clear and concise interface which enables intuitive access to the wealth of usable flexibility both these machines offer.
The D824 features a removable front-panel, which doubles as remote controls, additional 'ghost tracks' for multiple takes of one or more tracks, sophisticated non-destructive audio editing with unlimited UNDOs, up to 3,770 track minutes of recording on a 20GB drive, .WAV file support and RS-422 connectors supporting the P2 protocol (with optional Model 8345 card fitted).
Plus, you can work in three time bases (ABS, MTC & bar/beat/clock), have up to 64 tempo and signature changes per song, record timecode to a ‘virtual timecode track’ (keeping recording tracks free for audio), and back-up your recordings to SCSI-2 devices or ADAT.
Ease of use is enhanced further with the addition of the ‘All Input’ and ‘All Ready’ functions which allow you to check all input signals and make all tracks ready with single button pushes. The direct locate function meanwhile, which automatically sorts each of the 100 memories, means that finding a locate point is a simple matter of pushing the PREV/NEXT key.
The editing features available are, (of course), superb, completely non-linear and aided by a graphical audio preview. Full Copy/Move & Paste is achievable across tracks or song programs. The UNDO function is worthy of a special mention as the number of UNDOs available is only limited by the disk space available.
If you wish to take audio editing and processing further, you can export and import designated tracks, parts of tracks or complete songs as .WAV files. Editing, processing and sound file conversion can therefore be accomplished using PC-based audio editing tools.
In addition to the 24bit / 96kHz capability, both the D824 features 4 other recording formats (16bit / 44.1kHz, 16bit / 48kHz,
24bit / 44.1kHz, and 24bit / 48kHz), making them the most flexible digital multitrack recorders available.
And as they record without
quality-sapping compression, they’re also the best sounding too.
The incredible quality of the digital audio the D824 is capable of, is due in part to the fact that both machines use state-of-art 128 times oversampling delta-sigma 24bit AD/DA converters (AD:AKM5393, DA:AKM4393).
If you’re serious about your audio you should accept nothing less.
The new "Virtual Timecode Track" feature allows recording of timecode from internal or external sources to a ‘virtual timecode track’ keeping all tracks free for audio.
The ADAT™ Digital Interface is present on both machines. This can be used for importing and exporting of ADAT compatible material, archiving sessions to the ADAT format and for interfacing to the new breed of digital mixing consoles. By recording using the ADAT interface the number of simultaneous recording tracks available is maximised to 8.
Hard drives can be specially formatted to enable the Multiple Undo feature. When formatted in this way, all recording takes are given a unique time ‘stamp’ by the internal clock and saved to a separate part of the drive, (the number of takes is only dependent by the disk space available). By using the Multiple Undo function you can ‘jump’ back to any previous take with a simple button push.
A SCSI-2 interface is provided for the .WAV data transfer plus the fast backup and restore of sessions to external removable media such as DVDRAM. In addition, an ADAT™ Digital Interface is present on both machines for all recording channels. The ADAT interface not only allows for importing and exporting ADAT compatible material, archiving sessions to the ADAT format and, when interfaced with the new breed of digital mixing consoles, used to realise a complete digital recording/mixing solution. Word I/O is also standard, and essential in the modern digital recording environment, keeping multiple-linked digital devices ‘in sync’. Finally, both machines support RS422 increasing their versatility dramatically by allowing remote placement, offering compatibility
with video editors and other professional tools. The D824's interfacing options can be further enhanced via a range of dealer / distributor fit optional timecode, AES/EBU & balanced I/O cards.
In Detail
- 8 track digital multitrack with no compression
- 24bit / 96kHz (8 tracks) plus 4 other recording formats (16bit / 44.1kHz, 16bit / 48kHz, 24bit / 44.1kHz, and
- 24bit / 48kHz)
- 16 further 'ghost tracks'
- 128 times oversampling delta-sigma 24bit AD/DA
- Export & import song files in .WAV format
- Level envelope display aids easy copy, paste, move & erase editing with undo & redo
- Copy/Paste editing across programs (songs)
- Virtual timecode track function
- Unlimited chronological editing UNDOs (dependent on free hard disc space available)
- 6 point edit memory & 100 locate point memory
- MTC/MMC & FEX implemented for external MIDI control
- Multiple tempo and signature changes per song
- MIDI clock with song position pointer
- Handy ‘All Input’ & ‘All Ready’ feature
- Remote connector complying with RS-422
- High speed backup to an external SCSI device in addition to regular backup to ADAT or DAT.
- Optional timecode, AES/EBU and balanced I/O card